Teenage Kicks: How Can We Reduce Teen Risk Taking
Governments and charities have spent millions trying to convince teens to play it safe around drugs, sex and alcohol for decades, with little impact. The outcomes of these types of behaviour have far reaching implications. In the immediate, poor decisions can result in unsafe scenarios and addictions. And in the long term, the poor health of nations costs governments billions in healthcare bills.
This Future15 will explore how examples of innovation in technology and social media could make a significant impact on the decisions young people make at an early age about their lifestyle choices, which will ultimately set them up for healthier lives in the long term. We'll actually ask teens what they think and what they want. We'll set up how governments, charities and brands across the world could set young people up for better decision making, leading to longer, healthier lives which don't drain state healthcare budgets.
Alexandra Goat
As a Director of youth marketing agency Livity, Alex spearheads the design of youth-centred campaigns and consultancy across the private, public and third sectors including Google, Tesco, Barclays,...
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