UX and Content Strategy Mindshare Meet Up
Every day, more and more companies acknowledge that user experience and content strategy are essential pieces of a successful project puzzle. However, questions still remain about how they understand these disciplines or establish processes in order to support them.
How user experience and content strategy come to life varies from company to company. Some agencies lump the two together and others give both free reign as independent departments. Which of these approaches works best is up for debate, and involves factors dependent on agency structure and client needs. And how all this value is communicated to clients and within an agency is an entirely different story.
This meetup is for UX, UI, IA, strategy and content folks to get together and talk about what works and what doesn’t. Topics for discussion can range from how to effectively get into a process, support client needs and advocate for value.
Paige Maguire
Sr Content Strategist
Paige’s career in the digital space began in law school, when she decided she wanted to learn HTML and try to build a website for her alumni community. Since then, she's done everything from develo...
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