Smart Yet Illiterate: Hacking Health Literacy
A savvy, MBA professional owns a vintage ’69 Dodge Charger. One day while driving, he hears a clunk. His clunk becomes a clank and he takes it to the shop. He has no idea what the mechanic is talking about upon diagnosis.
Well-educated, high income patients walk in to physician’s offices each day and have no idea what the doc is talking about upon diagnosis. Throw in that the majority of Americans are reading at a 7th grade level and, well, we have a problem. As patient-centric healthcare takes center stage in today’s post-ACA world, “health literacy” is fast becoming the next, hot buzzword. But what exactly does this mean? Who is health literate or illiterate? And ultimately, how can we use technology to drive change?
Using the iconic ‘69 Dodge Charger as a metaphor, this presentation will educate the audience on health literacy, show examples of technology helping health illiteracy and offer actionable ideas for improving health literacy through the digital sphere.
Christina Mullen
Dir, Strategy & Innovation
Cadient A Cognizant Co
As Director of Commercial Strategy & Innovation, Christina drives strategic best practices and leads the development of innovative “big ideas” across the digital, mobile, and social marketing envir...
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