The Unbundling Effect: Who’s Next?
What if the structure of the US as we now know it disappeared over the next decade and the so-called institutions were no more? Overpriced universities were no longer the epitome of education, cable companies no longer ruled the airwaves, banking was no longer conducted at a stuffy bank with cumbersome regulations and hotels were no longer central to the likes of Hilton, the Four Seasons, etc. These seemingly far-fetched ideas, are events that are slowly becoming a reality through the use of innovative technology and transparency through social media and online identity, combined with a new attitude among consumers and industry leaders.
This dual conversation will be between Fundera CEO Jared Hecht and GA co-founder Brad Hargreaves who are fueling this change and unbundling in two large industries – education and banking. They are shaping these industries to be more in line with what today’s consumer wants; transparency, efficiency, and no red tape.
Brad Hargreaves
General Assembly
Jared Hecht
Co-Founder & CEO
Jared Hecht is co-founder and CEO at Fundera, an online marketplace that connects small business owners to the best possible funding option. Previously, Jared co-founded GroupMe, a group messaging ...
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