Spatially Literate Design: Space, Place, and UX
If context of use should deeply inform interaction design, then why are designers still creating website-like experiences on mobile phones, or desktop-like experiences on interactive surfaces? The design community rallies around the fact that these experiences should be different, yet the specifics of how they should differ seems elusive. When it comes to designing truly context-appropriate experiences that are location based or site specific, design decisions must be made that are spatially literate: they intelligently incorporate the environment into the design, and the design uniquely belongs, or adapts to, the environment in which it is experienced. Moderated by Fast Company Co.Design's Mark Wilson, this panel will bring together speakers from the technology, architecture and design communities to dive deep into spatial literacy and how designers and developers can make experiences more relevant and meaningful through deeper understanding of environmental and user context.
Jennifer Kolstad
Regional Hospitality Dir
An avid traveler and art enthusiast, Jennifer knows what it takes to create unique experiences. Exposure to a multitude of cultures and lifestyles allows her to apply a more holistic approach to h...
Show the restJohn Jones
SVP Design Strategy
Mark Wilson
Sr Writer
Fast Company
Mark Wilson is a senior writer at Fast Company. He spends most of his time writing for the publication's design arm, Co.Design.
Nathan Moody
Design Dir
Nathan Moody, co-founder and design director of Stimulant, has designed award-winning interfaces, interactions, illustrations, motion, and sound for over two decades, in almost every digital delive...
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