Grocery Wars: The Future of Buying Food

A decade ago, experts predicted that we'd be buying all of our food online by now, and even though there are some quickly growing players in grocery delivery (FreshDirect, AmazonFresh), grocery stores and supermarkets continue to thrive. Supermarket Guru Phil Lempert has been analyzing consumer culture and the grocery industry for more than 20 years, and he has a very clear vision for where grocery stores are headed: smaller spaces with a more curated selection and, for god's sake, no bulky paper towels (because we'll be ordering all the boring stuff via subscription). Increasingly interactive phones and smart carts will expand customized, in-store advertising in a way that enhances the shopping experience rather than interrupt it, and the use of e-coupons will grow, but only if grocers and manufacturers can cooperate. Improved packaging will keep food safer and consumers (and food processors) informed about what's inside, where it came from and where it's going.
Addie Broyles
Food Writer
Austin American-Statesman
Addie Broyles is a writer based in Austin, Texas.
As a columnist for the Austin American-Statesman, she covers everything from cookbooks and recipes to farmers markets, trends and food businesse...
Show the restPhil Lempert
industry analyst
Supermarket Guru
For more than 25 years, Lempert, an expert analyst on consumer behavior, marketing trends, new products and the changing retail landscape, has identified and explained impending trends to consumers...
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