A Story Lived Is Worth Much More Than a Story Told

Storytelling all too often amounts to storyyelling. Historically advertising was about interrupting a consumer behavior (i.e. watching tv) to drive awareness of an unrelated product or service (i.e. commercial featuring talking frogs for a beer company). Likewise too many products and services born in digital die from a “if we build it they will come” philosophy. In the contemporary era it’s incumbent on smart companies to realize the unique value of connecting stories and services and how the two are delivered through demonstration instead of metaphor.
In this presentation we’ll look at a number of examples from a diverse range of companies to prove how experiences can inspire stories which in turn can inspire new experiences. We’ll also explore various team and approach models that can make this happen inside large corporates, agencies, and start-ups.
Daniel Harvey
Dir of Experience Design
I've been working in digital since 1996. I love the medium because it allows people and brands to connect through a virtuous cycle of experiences and stories. In my work I drive to get the right id...
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