The Biological Power of Push and Pull
The highly anticipated follow up to SXSW14's successful and provocative "Neurological recipe for success", Biological Power of Push & Pull will explore how the body physically reacts to digital experiences.
During digital experiences our bodies switch on an emergency network of micro circuitry, the resulting surge in electrical and chemical activity feeds back in to the brain, affecting the way we think and behave. But what does that mean for the generations growing up in this new world? The brain systems involved in decision-making, planning, social understanding & risk-taking are still developing in adolescence & as we witness dramatic behaviors developing in the teenage years should we be looking at designed services with more consideration on the physiological effects they have on the audience?
Pete Trainor, Director of Human Centered Design @NexusCX, takes us on a whistle-stop journey into the physiological effects of today's digital experiences.
Pete Trainor
Dir of UX&D
Nexus CX
Pete Trainor is an occasional robot, fictional character, music lover, flâneur, raconteur and Director of UX&D at @NexusCX in London. On a good day, he makes the web more awesome. On a bad day, he ...
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