Greg The Magnificent

Greg Smith is an underappreciated, high school student. He lives with his self-centered mother who is counting down the days until he becomes an adult and can be on his own. Greg’s only real acquaintances are students that act like his friends so that he will do their homework for them. His life clearly needs a change. That change could be contained in a mysterious package that arrives at his front door.
Section: Texas High School Shorts Competition
Premiere Status: World Premiere
Country: USA
Year: 2014
Runtime: 5min
Director: Umar Qadeer, Nick Chaviers
Executive Producer: Scott MacKerron
Producer: Umar Qadeer, Nick Chaviers
Screenwriter: Umar Qadeer, Nick Chaviers
Cinematographer: Nick Chaviers
Editor: Umar Qadeer
Sound Designer: Samuel Decker
Music: Samuel Decker
Additional Credits: Gaffer: Austin Britz, Makeup Artist: Jenna Wilhelm, Key Grip: Jacob Cannon, Costume Designer: Misha Hof, Magic Consultant: Zac Rohan
Principal Cast: Cameron Mitchell, Ian Monroe, Thomas Hunter, Shannon Cunningham, Jon Anderson, Samuel Decker, Jenna Wilhelm, Isaiah Gonzales, Julia Rollins, Mackenna Morrow
Director Bio

Umar Qadeer, is currently a senior at Clear Lake High School. He's been involved with the school's A/V program for 3 years, editing and directing the school's bi-weekly show.
Nick Chaviers, is currently a senior at Clear Lake High School. He's also been involved with the school's A/V program for 3 years, working mostly as a cinematographer.
Public Film Contact
Umar Qadeer
Publicity Contact
Scott MacKerron