Peace Officer
Peace Officer is a documentary about the increasingly militarized state of American police as told through the story of Dub Lawrence, a former sheriff who established his rural state's first SWAT team only to see that same unit kill his son-in-law in a controversial standoff 30 years later. Driven by an obsessed sense of mission, Dub uses his own investigation skills to uncover the truth in this and other recent officer-involved shootings in his community, while tackling larger questions about the changing face of peace officers nationwide.
Section: Documentary Competition
Premiere Status: World Premiere
Country: USA
Year: 2015
Runtime: 109min
Director: Scott Christopherson, Brad Barber
Executive Producer: Scott Christopherson, Dave Lawrence
Producer: Scott Christopherson, Brad Barber, Dave Lawrence
Cinematographer: Brad Barber & Scott Christopherson
Editor: Renny McCauley
Sound Designer: Tom Hammond
Music: Micah Dahl Anderson
Additional Credits: Executive Producer: Sterling VanWagenen, Executive Producer: Roger Fields, Executive Producer: Brad Barber, Colorist & Title Designer: Dan Stuyck, Re-recording Mixer: Tom Hammond
Director Bio

Scott Christopherson is an Austin-based filmmaker, with an MFA from San Francisco State U and an MA in Anthropology from UW-Madison. Brad Barber is an Emmy-nominated filmmaker with an MFA from USC. Both professors of documentary, Scott teaches at St. Edward’s University in Austin, while Brad teaches at BYU in Utah. This is their first feature film.
Sales Agent: Submarine
Public Film Contact
Scott Christopherson & Brad Barber
Peace Officer, LLC
(608) 628-8693
Publicity Contact
Scott Christopherson