For the Record
For the Record tracks several court reporters, captioners and CART providers and they strive to attain the Guinness title of World's Fastest Court Reporter. It explores the “steno culture,” as experienced by stenographers, through such events as 9/11, the Nuremberg trials and other high-profile courtroom moments, while reviewing the history of these "keepers of the record."
*This film is screening as part of SXsports, and will also be open to Interactive badgeholders.
Section: Documentary Spotlight
Premiere Status: World Premiere
Country: USA
Year: 2014
Runtime: 67min
Director: Marc Greenberg
Producer: Marc Greenberg,
Editor: Robert Haydon
Additional Credits: Camera: Eric Mortinson, Vanessa Mortinson, Rob Lindsay
Principal Cast: Mark Kislingbury, Dee Boenau, Stan Sakai, Michael Scire, Richard Scire, Dominick Tursi
Director Bio

Marc Greenberg worked for several years making "really bad" shows for a cable channel before moving into the world of stenography - court reporting. 20 years later, he decided to merge his 2 careers and attempt to make a "really good" documentary about the world of stenography.
Public Film Contact
Marc Greenberg
Biggen Idea Productions
(818) 642-9331
Publicity Contact
jenny Bloom