The New Startup Garage for Innovation? Libraries!
Libraries as the epicenter of innovation, technology and economic recovery? You bet your assets they are!
By finding creative ways to bring together techies, entrepreneurs, makers, and sometimes even angel investors, today’s libraries are able to inspire real life action that jumps off the page and into startup success. Find out how Princeton Public Library (NJ) is leveraging community collaborations with groups such as the Princeton Tech Meetup, Python Users Group in Princeton, the Princeton Chamber of Commerce and many more to create unique opportunities for social good and local growth.
This conversation will challenge you to rethink the role of the library in your community and encourage you to explore how libraries can be a focal point of insights, ideas and innovation. If you have been seeking a "real world” social platform that has the ability to bring together a mix of thinkers, tinkerers, coders and investors the library just might be your answer!

Janie Hermann
Public Programming Librarian
Princeton Public Library
Janie Hermann, in her role as Public Programming Librarian at the Princeton Public Library, is driven by both passion and boundless dedication to ensure that the public programs offered at the library not only meet but exceed the expectations of the Princeton Community. Each year she oversees about 1,750 public programs put together by the amazing team she considers privileged to work with. Her work at the library allows her to interact with a wide variety of local groups and organizations and she truly loves the connections she is able to make each day as a result. As a teacher, librarian, wife and mother, Janie has learned that the “devil is in the details” and you have to leave room for some spontaneous actions. Janie’s spare time is spent at hockey rinks cheering on her son or her beloved Toronto Maple Leafs when they are nearby.

Venu Moola
Founder & CEO
Fleet Studio Inc
Venu Moola
Entrepreneur, Founder Princeton Tech Meetup, Founder Fleet Studio and CTO of a Stealth Startup
A serial Entrepreneur is the founder of Fleet Studio that manages global projects for some of the world's leading brands. He developed a first of its kind co-creation platform for one of the leading apparel brands in the world that leverages consumer insights for product development on a real time basis, which is a paradigm shift in the consumer engagement model.
Also, Venu is the founder of Princeton Tech Meetup, one of the fastest growing tech meetups with more than 1500 members and was ranked #60 in the global tech meetups rankings and is the second largest Tech Meetups in the State of NJ.
Previously, Venu co-founded Atlantis Lab in 2001 and helped them establish their presence in the US. Venu has a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from India.
In his spare time he enjoys traveling and spending time with his wife and 2 kids.