Tips & Tools for Protected Connection
Whether you painstakingly work to keep your personal information offline, “lay it all out there” on the digital plain, or hold concerns for your children online, there are an array of options that can help you protect your privacy and better manage your identity online. This expert panel features seasoned digital security experts from IEEE, Internet Society (ISOC), Kantara Initiative, Tor Project and Forrester Research. We will explore the practices, tools, networks and policies that are helping users more effectively protect their digital identities. We will discuss common notions of the words “privacy” and “identity” and explore various interpretations that traverse concept, context and even social and personal politics. Participants will develop a more keen sense of their own definition of “private” and learn how to take a more active role in protecting personal data – for themselves, their community and future generations. Part of the IEEE Technology for Humanity Series.

Eve Maler
Principal Analyst
Forrester Research
Eve Maler is a principal analyst at Forrester Research serving Security & Risk Professionals. She is an expert on emerging identity and security solutions, identity federation, consumer-facing identity and web access management, distributed authorization, privacy enhancement, and API security. She has particular interests in creating successful wide-scale ecosystems and fostering individual empowerment. By night, she leads the User-Managed Access (UMA) standard.

Joni Brennan
Exec Dir
IEEE-SA/Kantara Initiative
Joni has over a decade of service to the IEEE Standards Association (SA) and Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO) as a Senior Program Manager .Kantara Initiative Executive Director focusing on Technology Evangelism, Trust Framework Identity Assurance Accreditation and Interoperability Certification. Deeply embedded in Privacy and Identity standards for over a decade, Joni has provided guidance for varying technical, policy, requirements, and compliance committees.

Karen Reilly
Dev Dir
The Tor Project
Karen Reilly is Development Director at The Tor Project, responsible
for fundraising, advocacy, general marketing, and policy outreach
programs for Tor. Tor is a software and a volunteer network that
enables people to circumvent censorship and guard their privacy
online. Karen takes technical information and translates it for
diverse audiences, producing tips for staying safe online for
activists, journalists, and the general public. She studied Government
and International Politics at George Mason University.

Robin Wilton
Technical Outreach Dir - Identity & Privacy
The Internet Society
Working at the intersection of technology and policy, on issues of digital identity and online privacy.
29 years of IT experience, from cryptography to federated identity and privacy policy management. Previous employers include IBM, Sun Microsystems and Gartner Group.