Wrapping the World with Light
Digital design is becoming more fluid and less tethered to the desktop or smart phone. Visual communicators and artists are seeking bigger and bolder ways to crossbreed the real world and the boundless universe of the imagination.
Projection mapping is a powerful tool for blending the digital realm and real environments and places we physically inhabit around us. Using specialized mapping software, designers and artists around the world are finding clever and startling ways to map projected images on to three dimensional architectural and sculptured spaces and objects; bringing to life a shared space where the real and unreal are merged.
This panel will give attendees a basic understanding of the technology behind projection mapping, view some of the dynamic work being produced by fine artists, VJs and graphic designers, and look at how to conceive of the content and storytelling that can best be expressed through this fantastic medium.

Chad Hutson
Exec Producer
Chad Hutson is the co-founder and Executive Producer of Leviathan, a creative studio that crafts animated content and immersive installations for brands, agencies and entertainers worldwide. Before launching the company in 2010, Chad co-founded animation and interactive studio eatdrink, which created broadcast and digital content for agencies and later became the cornerstone of Leviathan's founding. His prior experiences with experiential and content production include management roles with exhibit designer MC2 and leading audio post-production company Soundelux. Chad currently resides with his family in the Chicago area.
Jarrett Smith

Sougwen Chung
Canadian-born, Chinese-raised, New York based.
Sougwen Chung (鍾愫君) is an interdisciplinary artist whose work explores transitional edges. Her artistic practice spans installation,
sculpture, still image, drawing, and performance, informing her multi-faceted approach to experiential art.
Chung’s work iterates on the expressive agency of form catalyzed with software, sound, light, and space. Her installations involve multiple layers of light on intricate structures, taking a variety of media and transforming it into spacial experiences.
Her work has been featured in exhibitions in North America, Europe and Asia. She has shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art
in Geneva, Switzerland, MIT Media Lab in Cambridge and 319 Scholes in Brooklyn, New York amongst others. She has also worked with musicians Sepalcure, Clint Mansell, and the record label Ghostly International and Hotflush Recordings. She has participated at international festivals including OFFF, Mutek, Unsound Festival and will speak at this year's FITC and SXSW. Additionally, Chung has been featured in The New Yorker, Dazed and Confused, Cool Hunting and The Creators Project.

Tony Romain
Creative Dir
Tony Romain is the principal and creative director of Trance, a motion graphic design studio. A graduate of the Boston University film school, for over a decade he has worked on a wide variety of broadcast design projects covering the landscape of broadcast television; from top rated network television to niche cable programming, from title design for scripted dramas and sitcoms to show graphics for game show and reality programming.
Some of his credits include the main title design for scripted dramas "Nashville", "The Secret Life of the American Teenager", and “Make it or Break it”, and sitcoms "Melissa and Joey" and "Samantha Who?"; graphics for reality shows "Biggest Loser," "Master Chef", and "The Celebrity Apprentice"; and popular game shows "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader", "Family Feud", and "Don't Forget the Lyrics".
Tony served for 3 years as vice-chair of the board of the 18th Street Arts Center in Santa Monica as well as one of the previous hosts of the motion graphics user group, Digital Media Artists / Los Angeles (DMALA.org)