Your Data and Your Life
Musicians must keep track of and analyze an increasing amount of data. While countless online platforms exist to serve musicians, everything from remembering passwords to downloading sales information impacts how artists can make informed decisions about their careers. Find out how to keep track of music metadata, passwords, mailing lists, release dates, video views, licenses, royalties, sales and performance income, songwriting credits, EFPTS payments, insurance and maybe even your drummer's wedding anniversary so you can spend less time in front of the computer and more time in the studio and on stage.

Courtney Klossner
Digital Content Consultant
Librarian, band adviser, digital content manager, technology trainer and a lot of other things.

Eleanor Whitney
Program Officer, New York Foundation for the Arts, Freelance Writer
Eleanor Callott Whitney is a strategic partnerships manager and creative programmer who is passionate about art, creativity and entrepreneurship. She is an entrepreneur, writer, rock musician, and educator raised in Maine and living in Brooklyn. She is the author of Grow, a practical field guide for starting a creative business, released in 2013 by Microcosm Publishing. For over a decade, Eleanor has worked with world-class museums and creative companies to plan events that connect audiences with art and the company’s mission, identify and manage national strategic partnerships, facilitate professional development workshops for creatives, and devise and implement strategies for content creation and presentation. She is currently a freelance project manager and fund raiser who is learning back-end web development and very inspired by New York City’s vibrant, startup scene.