2014 Schedule
Interactive: March 7–11  •  Film: March 7–15  •  Music: March 11–16

Alt Distribution: Let's Build a Network in 60 Mins

#sxsw #AltDistSX

So you made your film. You did your festival run. Now what?
If you’re like the vast majority of independent filmmakers, you’re faced with the choice of taking a bad distribution deal or launching into the dread world of self-distribution.

But wait! There’s something better! Tugg, Gathr, OpenIndie, and SimpleMachine have crowdsourced distribution.
Sure, it’s a lonely road, but...

Hey! Let’s have a really cool meet-up where indie filmmakers from all over the place share local info and resources about indie distribution. Let’s build relationships where if you invite all your friends to my screening in your hometown, and I’ll do the same when your film comes to me.

Participants will be invited to keep relationships from the meetup going by joining a new Facebook group for indie distribution. There, filmmakers can share resources, promote their films, and find couches to surf.
Indie film is imploding? Let’s implode it -- and replace it something better.



Don Downie


Small Media Extra Large

Don Downie is a director and cinematographer with more than 15 years experience creating media for film, television, interactive, and immersive audiences. He is an expert as using small media to tell big stories.

Recent directing credits include the short film Pepper and the Salt Sea, and the award-winning web pilot The Pickup Chicks.

Thanks to our sponsors

Miller Lite Monster Energy Esurance Chevrolet AT&T IFC Subway Austin Chronicle

Music sponsor

Sonic Bids

Interactive sponsors

Deloitte American Express Pennzoil