Voice Acting & Voice Over Meet Up
Voice acting has always been a fascinating career. Guys like Mel Blanc and Don LaFontaine were masters of the craft and made an incredible living with their voices. What used to be an almost "secret world" is now more accessible to everyone thanks to the Internet and affordability of professional recording equipment. But a career in voice over takes much more than a microphone and a good voice these days. Many voice actors working online are their own agent, publicist, marketing director, secretary, finance officer, producer and director. Is this a good thing? Is voice over your career or just your hobby?
Tara Tyler
Head of Communications
Tara Tyler worked in radio as a morning show host, creative services director, and production manager before becoming a freelance voice actor. Now, as Head of Communications for the world's largest online casting website, she's heard thousands of auditions, reviewed hundreds of profiles, and become an expert in crowdsourcing voice overs. She's passionate about connecting people with great voices to those that need them.