Complete event listing for
Saturday, March 9

Do you need a publicist? Maybe so, and maybe no. Come get some hands-on information about the modern role of the PR person, and how that impacts filmmakers today. Mentor session signup is open to all Film, Gold and Pla…
Brandy Fons, Cynthia Swartz, David Magdael, Matt Johnstone, Mickey Cottrell, Rene Ridinger, Sylvia Desrochers, Weiman Seid
Tuesday, March 12
Join us and enjoy a keg of beer while you discover “Avenue Live.” Avenue Live reinvents local radio by providing the sole place for artists, promoters, venues, music blogs and college radio stations to reach new audience…
Saturday, March 16
Press releases and bios are the foundation stones of any publicity campaign. These materials are often the first information writers, editors and other content producers encounter on an artist and their decision to want …
Jim Fusilli, Mike Greenhaus, Randy Alexander, Sarah Mary Cunningham, Howard Wuelfing