Fighting for Funding as a Female Entrepreneur
Access to startup capital has always been a key pain point for female entrepreneurs, but is the angel and venture capital landscape finally changing? Recent research from Babson College says that if female entrepreneurs in the U.S. started with the same capital as male entrepreneurs, they would add 6M jobs to the economy within 5 years — 2M of those in the first year alone! Seasoned venture capitalist Kay Koplovitz, Chairman/CEO of Koplovitz & Co., joins serial entrepreneur and current Dell EIR Ingrid Vanderveldt to provide an overview on the current market and the various capital options available to growing businesses. They’ll examine issues that hinder women from receiving outside funding and will provide actionable advice to audience members on everything from how to seek the right kind of equity for the appropriate growth stage of your company to developing a plan to raise capital and targeting experts and mentors to support your goals.

Kay Koplovitz Founder of USA Network, and Chairman and CEO of Koplovitz & Co. LLC. Kay Koplovitz is the Founder of USA Network, and the Sci-Fi Channel and USA Networks International and the visionary who created the business model for cable networks by introducing the concept of two revenue streams – licensing and advertising. . Ms. Koplovitz served as Chairperson & CEO until the company was sold for $4.5 Billion in 1998. Presently, Ms. Koplovitz is the Chairman of the Board of Fifth & Pacific (Formerly Liz Claiborne Inc.) She is a Board Member of CA Technology, as well as ION Media. She has also served on the boards of Oracle, Nabisco, Instinet and General Re.
In 1998, President Clinton appointed Ms. Koplovitz to chair the National Women in Business Council. While serving in that capacity, in 2000, Ms. Koplovitz co-created Springboard Enterprises to raise venture capital for women entrepreneurs. Springboard Enterprises has raised over $5.billion in new capital. She is the author of, Bold Women, Big Ideas (May ’02), Re-released Oct. 2011 as an e-book, which she wrote to inform and inspire women entrepreneurs to create wealth through equity. Ms. Koplovitz is a frequent speaker and contributor on media, capital formation, corporate governance and leadership.