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Programming for Non-Programmers

#sxsw #pfnp


RSVP Required - If you're running a tech start-up, it's essential that you familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of web development. Ultimately knowing how to "talk to the talk" will help you communicate better with developers, and overall just look really cool. Come with questions, and a desire to have fun!
In this talk we'll tackle some development principles to get you on the right path. We'll look at questions like, "Front-end vs. Back-end?", "Is UX necessary for my project?, "What is this Javascript function thingy, and why am I passing it strange math equations to it?". We'll also all have the chance to code a bit ourselves!
Leading a development team (without being a developer yourself) can sometimes feels like talking about dancing, and so this is an interactive and friendly environment in which to learn the basics.


What to Bring:
Bring a laptop (MAC preferred, but Windows welcome). A tablet will not be sufficient, but if you are absolutely unable to bring a laptop and would still like to attend share with someone else in the workshop. Attendees will only code for a segment of the workshop, and all of the code will be shared afterwards for you to experiment with at home. With that said, bring a laptop if you can. Download and install Sublime Text @

To RSVP your seat for this workshop, please click on "Sign in to RSVP" in the upper right location of this page. You'll need to sign in using your SXsocial login information.


Ben Sigman Teacher's Assistant

technologist dedicated to openness and transparency in business and tech.

Chris Castiglione Instructor / Digital Prod Developer General Assembly

My name is Christopher Castiglione and I’m an independent Product Developer and User-Experience designer living in NYC.

Check out my Programming for Non-Programmers blog: