Why Designers Should Care About Measuring Success
"How do you know this design is better?"
This question stumbles even the most seasoned designers. Businesses are recognizing the importance of design and the competitive advantage that taking a design-led approach offers. Designers are moving up the corporate ranks and we're now beginning to see titles like "Design Strategist," "Design Director" and "Chief Design Officer" take hold within organizations. As designers, the decisions that we are now making carry much more weight and inherently, more risk, to the companies we serve.
This presentation proposes 3 questions that designers can ask to tease out measurement of success early in our creative processes. It will explore methods to develop concrete measurements that will enable designers to make faster decisions, create better alignment with traditional business metrics (e.g. Online conversion rate, sales per square inch), and have more courage to push creative boundaries in our work.
UX design leader with 17 years of in-depth experience in directing and designing best-in-class digital services across multiple touch points (mobile, web and smart objects). Grew up in Toronto. Now living and working in San Francisco.