Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Drone?
Drones often get cast as dystopian killing machines, or Big Brother's newest eyes-in-the-sky. But drones are here to stay -- and coming to a sky near you as soon as September 2015. Will drones live up to the nightmare? After all, drones could help journalists report on historically inaccessible locations and topics. Tinkering by DYI enthusiasts might deliver us The Next Big Thing. Or drones could be the last nails in the coffins of international legitimacy and domestic privacy. This panel assembles experts to take a 360 view of the drone phenomenon with an eye toward separating the hope from the hype.

Erin a product storyteller with robotics experience across academia and industry, in both the Boston and Silicon Valley hotspots, with projects ranging from FDA approval, consumer products, military casualty extraction, assistive devices, robotic tele-presence, logistics, and industrial automation. She is a technical marketer who performs strategic planning, product management, and customer development for industrial automation and robotics organizations. Erin takes a vested interested in finding ways to catalyze the robotics market by identifying unique value propositions for new robotic products, and by creating community and cooperation between companies and thought leaders. Please follow her on Twitter @RobotDiva