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Practical Agile Mobile Design

#sxsw #mobileux


RSVP Required - Effective mobile design patterns, Agile design principles and practical expert advice: "start with questions and walk away with wireframes":
* Create and test paper wireframes for the core pages of your app, before writing a line of code.
* Distill the experience down to essentials, and re-invent your interface with mobile-first approach.
* Learn how to create the design that works by using cutting edge mobile design patterns (Geo-location, Multi-Touch/Motion, Faceted Search, Parallel Architecture, Voice, etc.)
* Practice designing with the new patterns that are just around the corner (Image Recognition, NFC, etc.).
* Create immersive experience using lessons from popular mobile games like Angry Birds.
* Storyboard your mobile interface transitions using inexpensive, practical, effective strategies.
* Learn practical light-weight guerrilla user testing strategies that will save time and money for your entire team.
* Take on any mobile design challenge with confidence.

It's helpful to have experience using an iPhone or Android mobile phone.

What to Bring:
3 x 5 sticky notes -- 1 pack
3 x 3 sticky notes -- 1 pack
Sharpie marker, pencil or pen
It's helpful if you can bring an iPhone or Android mobile phone or tablet.

To RSVP your seat for this workshop, please click on "Sign in to RSVP" in the upper right location of this page. You'll need to sign in using your SXsocial login information.


Greg Nudelman CEO Designcaffeine Inc

Greg Nudelman is a Mobile Experience Strategist and CEO of DesignCaffeine, Inc. For over 15 years he has helped his clients eBay, WebEx, Wells Fargo, PayPal, Safeway, Cisco, IBM, Associated Press and Groupon amass millions of satisfied customers.

Internationally acclaimed design workshop leader, Greg authored Android Design Patterns: Interaction Design Solutions for Developers (Wiley, 2013), Smashing Mobile Book (2012), Designing Search: UX Strategies for eCommerce Success (Wiley, 2011) and contributed to half-dozen UX design books.