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The Other Dave

"The Other Dave" tells the story of David Manning, whose life was changed the day he was struck by lightning. Now fully disabled, the story centers on the changes in Dave after the lightning strike, primarily his new altered perception of reality.

Director: Pasquale Greco

Executive Producer: Pasquale Greco

Producer: Travis Gorzelsky, Nick DeGrazia, Michael Phillips

Cinematographer: Lance Becker

Editor: Nick DeGrazia

Music: Travis Gorzelsky

Principal Cast: David Manning, Robert Manning, Janice Manning, Dr. Gabe Fornari


A graduate of Point Park University's Cinema and Digital Arts department in Pittsburgh, Pasquale Greco works primarily in visual effects for feature films in New York. He met David Manning on a family vacation and decided his story, whatever it was, needed to be told.

Public Film Contact
Pasquale Greco
Contact LOL.
(304) 280-2705
