"Mobile Homes" follows Ali, a young mother trapped in human trafficking. Constantly moving from city to city, she is transported with her 7-year-old son Alex. As she survives day to day, Alex explores mobile home sales-lots in the hopes of establishing a permanent home.
Director: Vladimir de Fontenay
Executive Producer: Etienne Dubaille
Producer: Tati Barrantes, Colin Whitlow
Screenwriter: Vladimir de Fontenay
Cinematographer: Pepe Avila del Pino
Editor: Vladimir de Fontenay
Production Designer: Mimi Bai
Sound Designer: Scott Hirsch
Music: Victoria de la Vega
Additional Credits: Assistant Director: Willy Friedman, Gaffer: Ben Rutkowski, Make Up: Kate Tsang, Script Supervisor: Sarah Violet Bliss, Assistant Camera: Zach Schamberg
Principal Cast: Alison Folland, David Call, Ash Devens, Nina Ljeti, Laurent Rejto, Amily Davis, Edward Crawford
Director Bio
Vladimir is a writer/director based out of NYC and Paris. His short films have been shown in film festivals around the world including Clermont-Ferrand and Slamdance. Vladimir is now developing "Mobile Homes", a feature script adapted from his latest short film, and in post-production on a new short starring Tarra Riggs ("Ballast").
Public Film Contact
Vladimir de Fontenay
(718) 909-7221