An eleven year old boy uses the discarded objects he finds around the windswept seaside community he has just arrived at to make a kite. Despite strong winds and a dogged persistence he can’t make the kite fly. He befriends a peculiar girl who won’t leave her caravan. He asks her to help him fly the kite, but she refuses. She can’t go outside. The boy doesn’t give up, and persuades her to reveal the true reason why she can’t venture outside - the wind makes her fall asleep. The boy doesn’t believe this and goads her into going outside. Angered by his taunts the girl runs outside, and into the wind. She collapses. The boy makes it his mission to rectify the situation.
Director: Simon Atkinson, Adam Townley
Executive Producer: Lizie Gower
Producer: Lucy Gossage,
Screenwriter: Simon Atkinson, Adam Townley
Cinematographer: Lasse Frank
Editor: Sam Rice-Edwards
Production Designer: Ben Smith
Additional Credits: Production Assistant: Samantha Chitty
Principal Cast: Alfie Righelato, Katie Miller, Charlie Platt
Director Bio
Si and Ad have enjoyed a prolific career in music videos, and from there forayed into commercials developing their penchant for intricate films which never let the technique get in the way of being touching, charming and filmic. They were recently shortlisted by Campaign Magazine as Top 10 directors worldwide.
Public Film Contact
Harriet Lawson