In this comedy retro infomercial, Slugabed is selling his "Slugabed's Turbo Juicer 4000". This juicer and it's mini factory-like inner workings will transform your crushed audio-tapes through a stop-frame animated process into the best juice you've ever dreamed of. Buy it!
Slugabed - "Sex"
Director: Chris Ullens
Producer: Chris Ullens,
Screenwriter: Chris Ullens
Cinematographer: Chris Ullens
Editor: James Wright
Production Designer: Chris Ullens
Music: Slugabed
Additional Credits: Assistant and much more: Jamie Durand, Animator: Chris Ullens
Principal Cast: Slugabed
Director Bio

Chris Ullens is a Belgian director born in wonderful 1980. He lives and works in London.
He loves his wife-to-be, stop-motion or anything playful. And now he knows, he will happily ever after continue experimenting with his multi-disciplinary background in order to find fresh, new, weird and exciting projects.
Public Film Contact
Chris Ullens