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Charlie Hughes


Charlie Hughes is on trial for murdering his father. Growing up in house full of violence can drive a boy to the edge. The question is, though, is Charlie Hughes guilty or innocent?

Director: Kyle Matthew, Hirsh Elhence

Screenwriter: Kyle Matthew, Hirsh Elhence

Cinematographer: Hirsh Elhence

Editor: Hirsh Elhence and Kyle Matthew

Music: Locrian Taste

Additional Credits: Pearl Basinski: Alex Weinberg, Angela Hillsman: Daniel Oved

Principal Cast: Kyle Matthew, Larry Shosid, Michael Orman, Carrie Holland, Emily McDonald, Ricardo Salas, Daniel Burks, Debbie Robertson, Alison Bennet, Kelli Love


Kyle Matthew is an aspiring actor from Dallas, TX, who hopes to continue his training in LA next fall at USC.


Hirsh Elhence moved to Dallas at the ripe old age of 9 months and he is looking forward to going to school in New Hampshire next year.
