Upon release from prison, a solitary man known only as “the Rambler” embarks on a mysterious journey en route to reconnecting with his long-lost brother. Traversing treacherous back roads, lost highways, and isolated small towns, he unearths a multitude of bizarre and wickedly depraved slices of Americana.
The Rambler
Director: Calvin Lee Reeder
Executive Producer: Aram Tertzakian, Nick Spicer
Producer: Nate Bolotin, Roger M. Mayer, Christo Dimassis
Screenwriter: Calvin Lee Reeder
Cinematographer: David McFarland
Editor: Buzz Pierce
Production Designer: Geoff Flint
Sound Designer: Buzz Pierce, Jed Maheu, Frederick Howard
Music: Heather McIntosh, Scott Honea, Jed Maheu
Additional Credits: Producer: James Lejsek, Co-Producer: Carl W. Lucas, Producer: Clayton Young, Executive Producer: Kevin Kasha
Principal Cast: Dermot Mulroney, Lindsay Pulsipher, Natasha Lyonne, James Cady, Scott Sharot, Paul Blott, Robyn Reede, Christopher Dempsey, Christo Dimassis, Elana Krausz
Director Bio
A mix of underground horror shock with existentialist atmosphere, Reeder made a name for himself with short films, "Piledriver", "Little Farm" and "The Rambler". Then came his feature debut, "The Oregonian". Putting the art into lo-fi splatter pics, Reeder meshes thought and design with genre storylines, like a Euro-filmmaker making 70's drive-in films.
Distributor: Anchor Bay Films
Sales Agent: Celluloid Nightmares / XYZ Films
Public Film Contact
Nate Bolotin
XYZ Films
(310) 956-1550