Surviving Earth
Based on a true story, SURVIVING EARTH follows Vlad, a talented harmonica player who arrived in the UK after fleeing the conflict in Yugoslavia. Now a counsellor living in Bristol, Vlad has brought his love for Balkan music to the city with a band formed with his friends from work. As the band strives for success, Vlad is revisited by the traumas of his past and his carefully rebuilt world starts to fracture, jeopardising the relationships with those closest to him and particularly with his daughter, Maria.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: |
Thea Gajić |
Producer: |
Aleksandra Bilić, Sophie Reynolds |
Screenwriter: |
Thea Gajić |
Cinematographer: |
Olan Collardy |
Editor: |
Izabella Curry |
Production Designer: |
Elena Muntoni |
Sound Designer: |
Raoul Brand |
Music: |
Hugo Brijs |
Principal Cast: |
Slavko Sobin, Olive Gray, Stuart Martin, Peter Coonan, Toni Gojanović, Ann Ogbomo |
Distributor: |
Public Film Contact: |
Sarah Townsend
Publicity Contact: |
Sarah Townsend
Sales Agent: |
Yana Georgieva