La Salsa Vive
"La Salsa Vive" is a documentary that tells the story of two cities bound by the rhythm of salsa: New York, where the genre was born, and Cali, Colombia, where it thrives with unmatched passion. The film delves into the lives of Cali's diverse characters who fervently keep the spirit of salsa alive amid various challenges—dedicated dancers, music collectors, resilient veterans, and enthusiastic youth. Featuring insights from salsa legends like Rubén Blades, Henry Fiol, and Willie Rosario, the documentary portrays how salsa unites the people of Cali, offering hope and expression in their daily lives. "La Salsa Vive" is a testament to Cali's cultural heritage and the enduring spirit of salsa.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: |
Juan Carvajal |
Executive Producer: |
Nancy Fernandez, Ivonne Torres, Maximillian Re-Sugiura |
Producer: |
Diego Ramirez, Kevin Lopez & Juan Carvajal |
Screenwriter: |
Juan Carvajal |
Cinematographer: |
Mauricio Vidal |
Editor: |
Maria C Garcia |
Production Designer: |
Juan Carvajal |
Sound Designer: |
Centauro Comunicaciones |
Music: |
Felipe Bravo |
Principal Cast: |
Rubén Blades, Henry Fiol, Willie Rosario, Angel Lebron, Johnny Rodriguez, Luis Eduardo Mulato, Samuel Formell, Francia Elena, Yuleissy Montano, Kevin Santiago Quiñones |
Additional Credits: |
Sound: César Salazar, Sound: Felipe Rayo, DIT: Juan Carlos Calle , Producer: Norma Oliveros |
Distributor: |
Public Film Contact: |
Juan C Carvajal
Publicity Contact: |
Rose Mary Cortes
Sales Agent: |
Elba McAllister