Odyssey follows Natasha Flynn, a sharp-tongued, coke-fuelled London estate agent, who juggles debts, danger, and deception. Her seemingly glossy life—flashy clothes, posh loft apartment, and endless champagne—hides a spiralling mess of broken dreams, addiction and a business on the brink of collapse. Enter Dan and Will, smooth-talking loan sharks with a sinister edge. Their offer? Easy cash, if she hides a kidnapped fellow estate agent. What follows is a wild, neon-soaked ride through London’s seedy underbelly, as Natasha searches for The Viking, an old ally with violent tendencies. A bloody, chaotic showdown ensues, leaving bodies—and morals—shattered.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: |
Gerard Johnson |
Executive Producer: |
Kwesi Dickson, Jay Taylor, Gerard Johnson, Polly Maberly, Paul Hillier |
Producer: |
John Jencks, Isabel Freer, Matthew James Wilkinson, Patrick Tolan |
Screenwriter: |
Gerard Johnson, Austin Collings |
Cinematographer: |
Korsshan Schlauer |
Editor: |
Ian Davies |
Production Designer: |
Alan Gilmore |
Sound Designer: |
Jovan Ajder |
Music: |
The The |
Principal Cast: |
Polly Maberly, Mikael Persbrandt, Jasmine Blackborow, Guy Burnet, Ryan Hayes, Charley Palmer Rothwell, Kellie Shirley |
Additional Credits: |
Co-Producer: Jamie Harvey, Costume Designer: Suzie Harman, Hair & Make-Up Designer: Freddie Stopler |
Distributor: |
Public Film Contact: |
Isabel Freer & Matthew James Wilkinson
Publicity Contact: |
Sales Agent: |