Set in present-day Los Angeles, Descendent follows Sean Bruner, an elementary school security guard grappling with past trauma while preparing for the birth of his first child with his wife, Andrea. Haunted by his mother’s death in childbirth and his father’s suicide, Sean fears he’s destined to fail. After a beam of light appears in the sky during a late-night shift, Sean wakes in the hospital with an inexplicable talent for vivid, unsettling drawings of extraterrestrials and desert landscapes. As his visions blur the line between dreams and reality, Sean’s grip on sanity unravels. With time running out, he must confront his fears to escape his family’s tragic legacy.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: |
Peter Cilella |
Executive Producer: |
Arianne Fraser, Delphine Perrier, Henry Winterstern, Mark Ward |
Producer: |
David Lawson Jr, Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead, Caleb Ward |
Screenwriter: |
Peter Cilella |
Cinematographer: |
Alexander Chinnici |
Editor: |
Jordan Goldstein |
Production Designer: |
Kati Simon |
Sound Designer: |
Bret Killoran |
Music: |
Tyler Strickland |
Principal Cast: |
Ross Marquand, Sarah Bolger, Susan Wilder, Charlene Amoia, Dan O'Brien, Brandon Scott, Alexandra Barreto, Alex Ruiz, Clare Cooney, Emily Pendergast |
Distributor: |
Public Film Contact: |
Descendent Movie
Sales Agent: |
Caleb Ward