Shepherding the Future: Agriculture & the Energy Transition

Date TBA

Agriculture and renewable energy have been presented as opposed—but they’re not. Leading independent power producer and agrivoltaics company Silicon Ranch, regenerative rancher Will Harris, and farmer Roxanne Newton are proving agriculture and renewable energy are stronger together. This panel will highlight benefits of the dual use of land for solar and agriculture (agrivoltaics), with Silicon Ranch’s use of managed grazing sheep to control the vegetation under and around solar arrays as a model.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Will Harris

Will Harris

White Oak Pastures

photo of Jim Malooley

Jim Malooley

Silicon Ranch

photo of Roxanne Newton

Roxanne Newton

Hound River Farms

photo of Boris Schubert

Boris Schubert

Silicon Ranch

Primary Access
Platinum Badge
Interactive Badge
Secondary Access
Music Badge
Film & TV Badge
Format: Panel
Type: Session
Track: Energy
Level: Intermediate