Hawkeye Title Sequence

Perception tells the story of Kate Bishop and her formative years in this title sequence for Marvel Studios' Hawkeye. Inspired by David Aja's run of Hawkeye comics, the style of this sequence shows animated movements, shadowed silhouettes, and symbolic colors. Follow the story of Kate Bishop (who always appears in purple!) and how she learned how to train, fight, and shoot a bow and arrow. Since this sequence is essentially a training montage, Perception utilized certain frames to indicate the passage of time and character growth, such as Kate's growing trophy shelf and her arrows hitting the target more consistently as the sequence progresses.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.


Production Designer:



Hawkeye's Theme - Christophe Beck

Additional Credits:

Co-Founders: Danny Gonzalez and Jeremy Lasky, Head of Operations: Kris Barone, Senior Producer: Eric Daly, Chief Creative Director: John LePore, Art Supervisor: Doug Appleton, Associate Producer: Jamie Young, Lead Artists: Greg Herman, Steve Savalle, Artists: Nocky Dinh, Peter Eszenyi, Kevin Li, Vlad Lysenco, Zak Tietjen, Ed Tranquino, Dan Wineland

Primary Access
Platinum Badge
Film Badge
Secondary Access
Music Badge
Interactive Badge
Film Festival Wristband
Screening in:
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Screening Category:
1 mins