What We Do In The Shadows Title Sequence
"What We Do in the Shadows" is an American comedy horror television series created by Jemaine Clement, based on the 2014 film of the same name written by Clement and Taika Waititi, that premiered on March 27, 2019, on FX. The series follows four vampire roommates living in New York City. Telling their story of how they lived there for the ages; using old world historic imagery, we placed artifacts in custom photorealistic interior environments, fully CG & meant to be fireside environment in the home
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Directors: |
Johnny Likens, Jemaine Clement |
Executive Producer: |
Adrienne Mitchell |
Producer: |
Ingrid Lageder, Bennett Lieber |
Music: |
"You're Dead" by Norma Tanega |
Additional Credits: |
Creative Director/FX: Jermaine Clement, Designer: Jeffrey Welk, Designer: Andrew Paulus, Designer: Keri Moller |
Public Film Contact: |
Tiffany Tetrault
Publicity Contact: |
Tiffany Tetrault