Workshop: Crossing the Abyss - Gaming Middleware for Musicians

Advance RSVP is available to Primary Entry badge types only. Registrants who sign up online must check-in 15 minutes before the session start time to guarantee their spot. Walk-ups accepted on a first come, first served basis, and will begin 10 minutes before the start of each session.

While recording technology for music, film, and television have long standardized on the workflow of compose-record-process-mix within static timelines, the gaming industry has distinctly different workflows and development environments. For musicians, composers, and producers looking to expand or transition their careers to gaming and immersive music and audio, the production learning curve can be extremely steep—with few resources to compare/contrast the specialized tools available.

In this workshop, Cody Matthew Johnson will demonstrate his audio production workflow for gaming, how he’s adapted his composition process from linear media (Film, TV, licensing, songwriting, and more) and the tools available within established middleware platforms—enabling artists from the music and film industries to better understand the unique skills needed to tailor their creations for gaming.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Cody Matthew Johnson

Cody Matthew Johnson

Emperia Sound and Music

Primary Access
Artist Wristband
Music Badge
Platinum Badge
Format: Panel
Type: Session
Level: Intermediate