photo of Jake Dunagan

Jake Dunagan

PhD/Dir of Design Futures

Jake Dunagan is an experiential futurist, governance designer, and teacher. He is Director of Design Futures for—a design, strategy, and foresight social enterprise that gives half of its work away for free. He is adjunct professor of Strategic Foresight in the Design Strategy MBA program at the California College of the Arts, and International Mentor for the Deseño de Mañana program at CENTRO, Mexico City.
Jake’s work centers around the concept of social invention. He develops futures concepts and participatory platforms to help people and organizations around the world re-imagine and re-design their futures. Jake creates tools to increase citizen participation in social system design, and he produces visual media, interactive experiences, and public engagement projects that inject alternative visions of the future into the present.
Major areas of research and practice include neuropolitics, social enterprise, embodied cognition, judicial foresight, kid’s technologies, intellectual property law, and the future of work.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Jake Dunagan
Events featuring Jake Dunagan