@FuckJerry and The Business of Hilarious Content
We’re living in a world where people live for likes and viral content has become the new word of mouth.
More than 500 million active Instagram users contribute and interact with more than 52 million pieces of content uploaded to Instagram every day.
Somehow, someway, some have managed to tumblr/post/giphy/insta themselves to the top to extend their reach and generate impact in today’s content-cluttered world. How’d they do it? Is it all about their ability, innate or developed, to fundamentally understand content and how it is consumed or something else entirely?
In this panel, Elliot Tebele (@fuckjerry), Jessica Anteby (@beigecardigan), JamesRyan Ohliger (@krispyshorts), and Mick Purzycki (@jerrynews) all of Jerry Media will discuss how they got started, the type of content they like to make, the future of content, and how we’re likely to consume it here on out.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Jessica Anteby

Elie Ballas
Jerry Media

James Ohliger

Mick Purzycki

Kristin Sauchak
The OutCast Agency

Elliot Tebele