Mentors - Screenwriting: Brian Davidson (Graverobber Productions)
Every film begins with an idea. But what do you do next? Learn all about the writing process from fellow screenwriters. If you need advice on how to get your ideas on the page, then this new mentor session is the one for you.
This Mentor Session requires advance online sign up and is available to all Film, Gold, and Platinum badgeholders on a first-come, first-served basis. Online sign ups will open in February.
Registrants who sign up online must check-in 30 minutes before their mentor time slot to guarantee their spot. Limited on-site sign up is also available for a small number of Mentor Sessions spots and will begin 30 minutes before the first time slot of each session.
Brian Davidson
Graverobber Productions Inc
You’ve seen a tragic story like Brian’s so many times before. Strung out on the streets of South Dakota and Texas, he’d write for anyone who’d ask for another hit of Courier 12—a REPORTER for the ...
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