Ignite SXSW: Lie/Cheat/Steal
10 speakers will share their stories & tips about how to get ahead in the world. Each speakers gets 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds for 5 minutes on stage. It's going to be awesome.
Titles of presentations include:
Laura Koby - Survive SXSW: Tip Well and Wear Sunscreen
Aykut Karaalioglu - 20 App Store Tips in 5 Minutes
Nancy Harhut - 5 Human Behavior Hacks that Increase Engagement
Randy Krum - 7 Deadly Sins of Infographics and How to Fix Them
Mike McAvoy - Satire: Holding the mirror up to society
Kyle Kelly - Fast, Powerful Prototyping for Non-Designers
Belmer Negrillo - A New Personalization Model: Adaptive Learning
Kiran Lokhande - A Cognitive Comparison of Dance & UX
Caroline McCarthy - TBD
Aykut Karaalioglu
CEO & Founder
Mobile Action

Belmer Negrillo
Sr Design Lead
Belmer’s career as an explorer and innovator began growing up with his aspirations to be a mad scientist. That curiosity and will to explore is still a passion today, and he loves to embrace the un...
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Caroline McCarthy
VP, Communications & Content
true[X] media

Kiran Lokhande
Experience Designer
Kiran is an Experience Designer who has been with R/GA in Los Angeles since early 2015. She works across offices on projects for clients including Nike, Dignity Health, and Beats by Dre. Her range ...
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Kyle Kelly
Head of Business Dev
With an entrepreneurial spirit and passion for innovative development projects, Kyle Kelly is currently working on the launch of three game-changing products in his role as Vice President of Busine...
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Laura Kobylecky
Mike McAvoy
The Onion

Nancy Harhut
Chief Creative Officer
Wilde Agency
Nancy Harhut is passionate about the impact behavioral science can have on marketing. A 2014 Online Marketing Institute Top 40 Digital Strategist, a Hatch Top 100 Creative Influencer, and a two-tim...
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Randy Krum
Pres & Chief Designer
InfoNewt LLC
Randy Krum is the author of the book Cool Infographics and CoolInfographics.com. President of InfoNewt, a data visualization design and visual consulting company, Instructor of Infographics and Da...
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Sarah Buhr
Write about tech culture, gender and diversity, privacy and security and other tech news for TechCrunch