Combating Online Hate with Compassion
Is there something beyond the recursive loop of hate online? This session will define the factors that sustain online violence and explore practical steps to end it. For some, examining those elements -- emotional distance, the rationale, and the predictable fight or flight responses -- may lead to creative and practical ways to understand online aggressors in ways that go beyond the hatred.

Dr David Pulsipher
Brigham Young University
David Pulsipher is a professor of history. His research explores nonviolent solutions to violent problems, and he a regular speaker (including at TEDx) on principles of strong yet compassionate res...
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Elly van Laar
Mediation Coaching
Elly van Laar Coaching
Elly van Laar, empathy coach, mediator and facilitator, has 20 plus years of experience in working with individuals and organizations. She combines two areas for growth: (1) personal and profession...
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Sunni Pavlovic
Studio Mgr
Sunni Pavlovic is the studio manager of thatgamecompany and oversees the day-to-day running of the development team and business growth. The studio is best known for its multi-award winning titles...
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Terese Wier
Compassion Advocate/Leader
Terese Wier Change Agent
Terese Wier is a compassion advocate and leader. She works closely with people to solve business, civic, social and interpersonal issues with compassion as a unifying principle. Terese's career beg...
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