Is A Safer, Saner and Civil Internet Possible?
Over 70% of women use social media, 40% in gaming, but only 30% in tech. Many use these as outlets to speak out against stereotypes and narratives that have implicit biases. Others just have an opinion but as an opinionated woman, she is not just harassed but is threatened with rape, violence & death threats. If that woman happens to be a woman of color she gets the combination of all of the above with an addition of racial hate & threats. Many of us have experienced the unpleasant reality of being a woman who speaks freely on the Internet. So what can be done?`
Brianna Wu
Head of Dev
Giant Spacekat

Elisa Lees Muñoz
Exec Dir
International Women's Media Foundation

Mary Anne Franks
University Of Miami School Of Law
Dr. Mary Anne Franks is a Professor of Law at the University of Miami School of Law, where she teaches criminal law, criminal procedure, First Amendment law, and family law. Before joining the UM f...
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Shireen Mitchell
Digital Sisters