Dude, Where’s My Patriarchy?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." And thus began a national tradition of bros looking out for bros, continued through these two-hundred-plus years of the Republic - and still going strong! But set against the stubborn default structures of privilege is the twilight of the white male majority, amid an election season roiled by issues of race, gender, class, access, entitlement and inequality. Not to mention shouting, mansplaining, and many angry tweets. Does American politics have a bro problem? Or are we just a bunch of complainers with blood coming out of our wherevers? The answers to these questions are too many to count on our abnormally short fingers. You want a revolution, we want a revelation. Come join us! It's gonna be yuge.

Ana Marie Cox
Sr Political Correspondent
MTV News

Jazmine Hughes
Assoc Editor
The New York Times

Rachel Sklar

Tracy Sefl
Comm Consultant
Tracy Sefl Strategies