(Video) Gaming the Healthcare System
Gamification has been introduced to a variety of health-related applications from wearables to patient portals to engage patients to think about health. But games, video games in particular, have shown a much more significant contribution to healthcare by providing a connective community and therapy to both physical and cognitive impairments, as detailed by our expert panel. Come play!

Eddie González-Novoa
Exec Dir
The Survivor Games
Eddie González-Novoa has spent the last 20 years developing leaders in education, youth development and community service. He is a social entrepreneur, early childhood educator, play therapist, pre...
Show the restErik Johnson
Chief of Occupational Therapy Svcs
Burn Center Institute of Surgical Research
Major Erik Johnson enlisted in the Army in 1996. As a young Private, while
stationed in Germany, he was involved in a car accident where he sustained
second and third degree burns to over 20% of...
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Glenn Banton
Operation Supply Drop
Mr. Banton is the CEO of the international veteran support non-profit, Operation Supply Drop. Having lead the growth of OSD from a one-man home based organization to one with 3 major global program...
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Leslie Harris
Programme Mgr Citizen Science
Cancer Research UK - Citizen Science
Leslie leads the Citizen Science program at Cancer Research UK, the second largest funder of cancer research in the world. The world-leading Citizen Science program puts research data in the hands ...
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