Soft Wearable Technology for Fashion

Discussion centers on the current relationship between fashion and technology. The panel will focus on the exciting potential of new, soft and flexible technologies for the design world as well as manufacturing solutions for the fashion business. Wearable technology is a rapidly growing industry. However, design and stylistic implementations have been, to date, limited by “hard” technologies. Soft tech offers solutions and provides designers with a new tool to easily incorporate the advantages of wearable tech without compromising their artistic vision.

Ben Cooper
Sr Mgr Research & Testing
VF Corp Global Innovation
Ben is a passionate product and business developer driven by the need to find practical solutions to real world problems. He is currently Senior Manager of Research & Testing for VF Corporation’s G...
Show the restDan Steingart
Princeton University
Dan in an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment. His research is concerned with the intersection of m...
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Julianne Gauron
Industrial Designer
Julianne Gauron Consulting
Julianne is a creative problems solver who views technology as a means of connecting us to and accessing our bodies more deeply. She currently consults with fashion, technology and sports apparel c...
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Sabine Seymour
Founder & CEO
Moonlab Inc
Dr. Sabine Seymour is an entrepreneur and researcher focusing on the next generation of wearables and the intertwining of aesthetics and function in our garments. She is described as being an innov...
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