Presented by: Accenture Interactive
Mars One: Humans on Mars in 2027
Mars One is a not-for-profit foundation that will establish a permanent human settlement on Mars. Instead of trying to bring crews back, Mars One plans to send more crews every year. A number of unmanned missions including rovers will prepare a habitable settlement before the first crew departs. The cost of the mission – $6 billion USD – will be financed through investments, and the return on investment comes from media rights, intellectual property rights and related business cases.
With over 200,000 applications to go, support from NASA's former Chief Technologist, a Nobel Prize laureate, and with contracts with companies like Lockheed Martin, Mars One is already underway.

Bas Lansdorp
Co-Founder & CEO
Mars One
Bas Lansdorp has never been one to let bold ventures intimidate him. A born entrepreneur, he sees potential and opportunity where others shy away. Gifted with an articulate vision and genuine enthu...
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