Indie Film and the Death of the Theatrical

With distribution and exhibition changing so quickly, indie filmmakers must begin re-thinking how to plan their theatrical run. How much longer are filmmakers working with limited marketing budgets supposed to retrofit their film in the old paradigm? Please join Adam Schartoff, host of the popular podcast Filmwax Radio, along with Founder & CEO of Alamo Drafthouse, Tim League, Founder & CEO of Gathr Films, Scott Glosserman and others for a progressive and proactive conversation on the future of the theatrical.

Adam Schartoff
Founder & Host
Filmwax Radio
Host & Producer of the indie film podcast Filmwax Radio. Also host of the The Kino Lorber Filmmaker podcast. Film programmer and journalist.

Leah Meyerhoff
Film Fatales
Leah Meyerhoff is an award winning independent filmmaker whose debut feature film I BELIEVE IN UNICORNS was released theatrically in 2015 after premiering at SXSW, winning the Grand Jury Prize at t...
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Matt Grady
Factory 25
Matt Grady is the founder of Factory 25, an independent film distribution company launched in 2009. Factory 25 is a home for conceptually provocative narratives and documentaries. Grady’s mission i...
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Scott Glosserman is a producer, director and distributor. He founded Gathr Films, pioneers of Theatrical On Demand®, in 2011.

Tim League
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema/Drafthouse Films/Fantastic Fest
Tim League graduated from Rice University in 1992 with degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Art/Art History. After a two-year stint at Shell Oil in Bakersfield, California, Tim turned his back on ...
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