Fuck No. Shit Yeah! Damn Right?

Let's talk about mistakes and self doubt, conflict and stress. Let's talk about failure—let's laugh at it and capitalize on it. Following the hugely popular Fuck No and Shit Yeah talks, Damn Right reveals the intimate details of all the missteps and miscalculations along the road to success. Honest and unfiltered, Michael dissects the good, the bad and the WTF in every (questionable) decision we make.
A candid perspective offered by the Creative Director behind some of the most influential logos, campaigns, and UX of the past 15 years, Damn Right peels back the confidence of Fuck No and the optimism of Shit Yeah to lay bare the doubt we all face—and kicks that motherfucker in the teeth.
Michael Nieling
Creative Dir
Michael Nieling is a designer, educator, father, and full time spaz. He is the Creative Director at Ocupop and also has taught design at MIAD and the University of Wisconsin. Splitting time between...
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