Presented by: Umbel
Big Data and AI: Sci-Fi vs Everyday Applications
Friday, March 11
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Austin City Limits Live at the Moody Theater
310 Willie Nelson Blvd

So much of what was once considered sci-fi has already become a reality, due to advancements in AI and big data. Robots performing complex surgeries, algorithms predicting what we want to buy, operating systems that talk to us, self-driving cars, they’re here! And the more data we collect and analyze, the better our machines will become at making predictions and increasing productivity. But don’t expect a machine takeover any time soon. We’re still years away from robots in our homes, self-driving spaceships and genetically-designed babies. Join an expert discussion on the future potential for AI and data, what’s already in development, potential dangers, and how this will impact consumers.

Dr Doug Lenat

Kris Hammond
Chief Scientist
Narrative Science
I am a Professor of Computer Science at Northwestern University and co-founder of the startup Narrative Science where I am Chief Scientist. At Narrative Science, we are commercializing a technology...
Show the restRayid Ghani
Research Dir
Center for Data Science & Public Policy University of Chicago
Robin Goad
Lucid Ai